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Lien Callens

Lien Callens obtained a Master’s degree in Engineering Sciences from KU Leuven. She also spent time as an exchange student at UTCompiègne in France and RWTH Aachen in Germany. In February 2024, as part of her belief in lifelong learning, Lien obtained her certification in Corporate Governance from Insead.

Lien had a 24-year career at Procter and Gamble, where she held various CIO roles and global shared services leadership positions. After leaving Procter and Gamble, she became CIO, Executive Director, and a member of TVH Parts’ Global Executive Committee.

Currently, Lien is an independent strategic advisor. She advises industrial companies on growth strategies through digital transformation and innovation, and provides guidance to B2B digital startups on efficient scaling. In addition to advising, Lien holds various board positions. She serves as the chair of the board of Novable SRL, an AI-driven startup scouting solution for companies. She is also an independent director at De Watergroep, the largest drinking water supplier in Flanders, and a board member at Azulatis, a company that delivers Water as a Service to various industries.

Lien is a digital strategist, ecosystem thinker, and innovator. For example, she has been working with AI technology for over 10 years. Lien emphasises the importance of investing in a fair and diverse organisation to achieve the best business results and has a passion for sustainability. Lien is known for her no-nonsense approach and has access to a broad global network of CIOs and executives.

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