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Koen Kas

Koen Kas is a biomedical scientist trained at the universities of Antwerp, Leuven, Utrecht, Karolinska in Stockholm and Harvard in Boston. He began his career by elucidating the molecular basis of two types of cancer. He then became Director of Oncology at Tibotec (Johnson & Johnson) and Director of Drug Development at Galapagos. Subsequently, he was founder and CSO of Pronota, where he developed diagnostic biomarkers. He later became CSO Oncology at Oxurion, where he spun off Oncurious and developed a drug for childhood brain cancer.

Today, Koen is a healthcare futurologist, guest lecturer in molecular oncology and digital health at Ghent University, and renowned international keynote speaker. He published his vision in 2 books: 'Sick no more' describes the transition from reactive patient care to proactive health care. 'Your guide to Delight' makes care delightful and introduces the personal Digital Twin that, with the help of AI, will keep you relevant and "young". His new book 'Epic' (Sept 24) describes how new technology, art, and personal data in a data vault on a new version of the internet will help you become epic.

Koen developed a unique Delight Thinking methodology to innovate and create unique user experiences from a blank page, in any sector. Koen is chairman of the European Cancer Prevention Organization, advises the Digital Therapeutics Alliance and is an ambassador for the healthtech experience center Health House in Leuven. His Healthskouts team guides digital transformation and manages the global database of digital/AI health tools. He is working on VITO's WeAre project where every citizen stores his (health) data in a Personal Online Data store. Koen is also a member of the advisory board of five healthcare companies and one investor company.

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