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Hadewig De Corte

Hadewig De Corte holds a Master's degree in Economics from Ghent University and a Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Spécalisées in Finance from Poitiers.

She is passionate about developing ambitious, sustainable strategies that align economic goals with social and environmental considerations. Through various executive roles, she has more than 25 years of experience in international business transformations, with a focus on process, organisation and systems, in various sectors such as banking, IT and healthcare. Skilled at navigating the complexities inherent in any business, adept at approaching problems from multifaceted angles and delivering innovative solutions with both creativity and pragmatism. As CEO, she led a hospital through a major recovery plan during the COVID crisis.

Hadewig promotes the values of mutual respect, open dialogue and active listening, while striking a balance between a long-term vision and a flexible ability to respond. She is dedicated to championing diversity and inclusion, actively cultivating collaborative environments enriched by a multitude of perspectives.

Currently, she combines several directorships and executive assignments where a positive difference can be made, in the belief that we can make our society more sustainable by starting with the way we do business.

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